And it means YOU get to deal with the mess, either way. This can cause them to eat the vomit (I know, disgusting). It makes them feel better (since the gulping process leaves them nauseous). This causes your dog to vomit the entire meal they just consumed. All of that dumps into the stomach at one time. And without a dog slow feeder, your pup swallows unchewed chunks of food. It’s most common in deep-chested dogs, such as Dachshunds and Great Danes, but it can happen in ANY breed. This causes the valves AND blood vessels to close off. The stomach flips around in the abdominal cavity. GDV results when a pup bolts a meal and then engages in a frantic burst of activity. GDVĭogs that gulp down their food increase their risk for bloat or gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV). And those safety hazards are the biggest reason to look into dog slow feeders. But there are serious health risks that come with that behavior. Obviously, you don’t want your favorite canine to feel miserable and driven to clean their bowl in record time. Parasites: Intestinal parasites steal nutrition from your pup.This drives them to cram as much food into their bellies as possible. Malnutrition: Dogs that aren’t getting all of the nutrients they need feel like they’re starving.Their brain tells them, “If you don’t eat everything as quick as possible, you’ll starve.”

Those pups dive into their meals as if they’re starving. But on the other hand, you can’t get your fingers away fast enough.

On the one hand, you’ll find dogs that settle down to enjoy their food in a leisurely manner. When it comes to canine mealtime, there are two different scenarios possible.