Artificer risk of rain 2 best skills
Artificer risk of rain 2 best skills

artificer risk of rain 2 best skills

Freeze 4 Golems at once and then burn them all at the same time until they blow up. Snapfreeze is useful to me because I can use it on lines of enemies. It pierces infinitely and works very well with Focus Crystal, so this thing is an absolute powerhouse. The Flamethrower isn't actually 1700%- it's 2200% contact + 2200% burn. Its huge damage means procs also do huge damage.

artificer risk of rain 2 best skills artificer risk of rain 2 best skills

The Nano-Bomb is good for clearing out trash mobs with its tendrils, damaging groups, or just throwing into the face of enemies. The fire means you can leave enemies at low-ish health and let them burn to death. The Flame Bolt isn't that great, but it's good to throw in between casts of your other three attacks. The dodging isn't too difficult unless it's something like a Blazing Titan. I've never had issues playing up close with Artificer. Now let's discuss the subject at hand instead of measuring e-peens. I already got Mastery on several characters prior to Artifacts, and the ones I don't have it with is because I have no interest in them. What's your opinion on the Artificer? Any super secret builds you can try with Command to make her any usable? I guess she was supposed to be a glasscannon, but now she's just glass. The Artificer just can't compete with the other characters and doesn't even fulfill a specific niche none of the other characters can do better. Using the Glass artifact with her is just suicide, and not even Command can make her very useful. She's also the worst scaling character, and she's not even that good early game to begin with. Now every character has nuke options: the Huntress and the Loader are straight up better at mobility, nuking and even sustained damage. Everything else, save for some specific mobility items, were much better spent on other characters. Crowbars were perfect for her (even if they were much better for the Huntress), but that was about her only signature item. Prior to Skills 2.0 she used to have a niche: she was the game's resident nuker. So, is the Artificer a bad character? Well, no, but actually yes. Maybe they are right, but if they are, it should be apparent the character's kit sucks hard. Some people consider grabbing this skill borks Artificer, because Flamethrower is her only really damaging skill. I guess it's for balance purposes, to avoid allowing the Artificer to ascend to the heavens with a Hardlight Afterburner (which, funnily enough, is pretty useless on her), but it's still silly having to rewire your muscle memory just because. Ion SurgeThe Artificer's much needed mobility skill.

artificer risk of rain 2 best skills

It can, more or less, travel half of the Titanic Plains, and that's it. They do have limited range, unlike Commando's attacks. "But hey, you can use them from afar with your jetpack!". And Plasma Bolt is just a joke, with its small AoE. Sure, Flame Bolt can deal quite a bit of damage with its Ignite, but it still doesn't scale late game.


What's the point of the Artificer's M1? Even Visions of Heresy is a straight upgrade to her.ĭon't get me started on the secondary effects. Properly built Commandoes and MUL-T are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beasts. With the new skill, even Huntress deals way more damage than the Artificer, and she can do so while sprinting and with autoaim. I guess it's not a fair comparison, but the Loader outputs a lot more of damage using only her M1. The Artificer? She doesn't take advantage of AS. Other characters get to increase their attack speed, which is one of the best ways to increase DPS in late game (more AS, more damage, more procs self-explanatory). Yes, I get the Artificer is supposed to be a hard to use character, but this skill doesn't manage to scale into the late game like other characters. A slow travelling projectile with limited charges and a really high cooldown that makes hitting small enemies very hard. Flame/Plasma BoltBy far the worst M1 skill in the game.

Artificer risk of rain 2 best skills